Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekend Update

Yaminions on the Boulevard. I became stuck (accidentally) in the Yamin parade while apartment hunting. No sightings of EY but plenty of teenage girls begging me to honk if I loved Elliott. A large paper truck driven by a very excited older black man was happy to oblige for the entire mile.

"I'm proud to annouce we went sunglasses shopping earlier and are both in agreement: we must stay fly, Richmond."
"See you at my place tonight. Keep the shades and lose the clothes."



Stephanie823 said...

"A large paper truck driven by a very excited older black man was happy to oblige for the entire mile."
For some reason, I keep coming back here today and cackling at that sentence. I don't know why it has struck me so funny! Probably because I am envisioning your annoyance at older black man and his blaring horn for a whole SLOW mile!!

Peach said...

tell me the fuck about it. the only part that made it bearable was that he was genuinely thrilled to be a part of the whole thing and most definitely was imagining it was his parade. oh is short i guess you have to make your own entertainment?

and that was one sloooooow mile fo sho