Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Viper Room

Tricked you! It is NOT the celeb-spot of yore where Johnny Depp rubbed elbows with River Phoenix--it's WORK! Ha.

Today, a member of the bitcheswhodontwork committee (aka gala committee) called to order me around, her clipped orders followed by sounds of smacking lips and short sighs. Take this sentence: "Doesn't she know it's *uhh* URGENT? I mean *uuh* I'm going on VACATION! *uuuuh* *smack lips together* For TWO WEEKS!! *smack* *long sigh*"

Cute in Clueless. Less so in real life.

'Scuse me? Who the fuck talks like this beyond age 18 (and I'm being generous with that). Cool it with the valley-girl bullshit. It certainly will not make things happen any faster. Why are you talking to me like this? Maybe because Mr. Henderson was sooo totally unfair today in World History or Bobby canceled plans with you to go get high with his friends--*tsk* un-beee-lieeeveeable!!! *Ugh gawwwwwd*!!!!!!

Shut up and keep changing your kids' diaper, sweets--save the bitchy high school play for your dickless husband.

And, I have a meeting tomorrow with MARKETING to discuss a horrendous project that is being forced down my throat since I work with a bunch of schoolyard bullies I will have a PR reputation of horse shit by the time I leave this job. Which, dear readers, HAS to be in October or the sands of time have run out on my life.

Too bad the jumpsuit is at the cleaners'.


Anonymous said...

Move to DC and come work with Me!

Peach said...

Mos def! That would be much better. I hope there's an opening for talker on the phoone/online shopper available!